CTI provides a detailed and structured scaling plan for traders with funded accounts, focusing on the continued demonstration of profitability over time. The scaling process allows you to increase your account size as you consistently show your ability to generate profits, helping you maximize your trading potential.
1-Step & 2-Step Challenge Scaling Plans:
CTI offers two types of challenge scaling plans: the 1-Step Challenge and the 2-Step Challenge. Both plans are designed to assess your trading skills and ensure that you're capable of handling larger positions and higher stakes as your account grows. The specific scaling process applies to those who meet the criteria outlined below.
Scaling Thresholds:
To qualify for scaling, you must meet several important conditions:
4-Month Period:
You need to maintain a funded account for at least 4 months. This time frame ensures that your trading strategy is sustainable over a reasonable period, rather than being a short-term success.
Profitability in at Least 2 Months:
During this 4-month period, you must achieve profitability in at least 2 of those 4 months. This criterion ensures that your performance is consistently positive, demonstrating your ability to adapt to different market conditions.
Positive Balance:
At the time of scaling, your account must have a positive balance. This ensures that you're not only profitable over the specified months but also that you’re managing your risk effectively, avoiding significant losses.
Minimum of +10% Profit Target:
To trigger scaling, you must meet a minimum profit target of +10%. This profit target represents a significant achievement, ensuring that you're consistently generating returns above a set threshold before your account size can be increased.
By meeting these conditions, you demonstrate your ability to manage a funded account responsibly, allowing CTI to scale your account, offering you the opportunity to trade larger positions and potentially earn higher profits.