What are the Minimum Profitable Trading Days for the funding programs?

1 min. readlast update: 01.29.2025

Minimum Profitable Trading Day

The Profitable Day is not a calendar day. It’s the days you open new trades and close with a net profit of 0.5% of the initial balance or higher.

For instance, starting a trade on Monday and closing it on Thursday with a 0.5% net profit or higher counts as just 1 profitable day.

The day that matters is the day when the trade was closed. 

Each profitable day must have a net profit exceeding <0.5% of the initial account balance.

Here are the rules for each of our funding programs:

2-Step Challenge

  • Requires a minimum of 3 profitable days for both phases 1 and 2.

1-Step Challenge

  • Requires a minimum of 3 profitable days for phase 1.

Instant Funding

  • Do not have any requirements for profitable trading days.

Instant Funding Pro

  • Do not have any requirements for profitable trading days.
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