Required Information
Crypto Wallet Address (USDT on TRX Network)
Please provide your USDT Wallet Address on the TRX Network. Kindly note that only addresses on the TRX Network will be accepted.
IBAN/Account Number
An IBAN (International Bank Account Number) serves as a standardized international numbering system designed to identify overseas bank accounts. It begins with a two-digit country code followed by two numbers, along with several alphanumeric characters. It's crucial to understand that the IBAN complements a bank's internal account numbering system and aids in identifying overseas payments.
SWIFT codes, also known as BIC (Bank Identifier Code) codes, play a pivotal role in ensuring the secure and swift processing of international payments through the SWIFT system. These codes authenticate the identity of banks or financial institutions involved in overseas transactions, thereby safeguarding the transfer of funds. SWIFT or BIC codes typically range between 8 and 11 characters and encode specific details such as the bank, country of origin, or branch location, facilitating quick and secure international payments.
Routing Number
A routing number, comprising nine digits, uniquely identifies financial institutions such as banks or credit unions. Also referred to as a Routing Transit Number (RTN) or an ABA (American Bankers Association) routing number, it collaborates with the account number to create a distinctive string of digits guiding financial institutions on where to withdraw or deposit funds accurately.
Please note that the default currency on our dashboard is in USD.
Upon completion of all mandatory fields, kindly proceed to click on 'Create Account.' You are now fully equipped to seamlessly receive your payouts.