What's in the Other Statistics section of the CTI Dashboard?

1 min. readlast update: 02.11.2025

Other Statistics

This section includes additional data points that provide deeper insights into trading habits and overall performance. 

  • Win Rate % vs Loss Rate % (Lower Win Rate but Higher Reward-to-Risk Ratio) and Why is it Important?

Win Rate % represents the percentage of trades that end in profit, while Loss Rate % reflects the percentage of trades that result in a loss. For example, a 60% win rate means 60 out of 100 trades are profitable, whereas a 40% win rate indicates that 60 out of 100 trades end in losses.

A lower win rate can still be highly profitable if paired with a strong reward-to-risk ratio. Traders who focus on high-reward trades with controlled risks can achieve long-term success, even with fewer winning trades.

Both approaches can be profitable, depending on the chosen trading strategy and how effectively risk is managed, allowing traders to adapt to different market conditions.

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